Goodbyes and Boston

3rd – 5th Oct: Days 178 – 180

It was a surreal morning that began with the short 3 mile drive from the Holiday Inn to Vault Storage which was to be Big Dave and the Tin Can’s bedroom for the best part of the next year.  Storage options in this part of the world are limited, and the winters are very harsh so we had bitten the bullet and decided to book a (moderately expensive) space in this very good quality storage facility which is heated and provides trickle charging.  After doing the paperwork, paying for the whole year up front, giving them a quick jet wash and disconnecting the camper battery we backed into the far corner of one of the enormous sheds, put the legs down, grabbed our bags and walked away.  Definitely a bit sad.

The shed is currently almost empty but over the next few weeks it will fill up with ‘summer cars’, boats and RVs and we will be completely boxed in.

Next challenge. How to get into Boston, about 60 miles away?  With the miracle of modern technology, a few taps on the phone summoned a very nice Uber driver called Rick who turned up 4 minutes later and took us to Boston in one hour for $75. Well that was easy.  We had 2 nights booked at a small waterfront hotel at the end of a wharf, right in the heart of the city It was close to the action, away from the hustle, had great views and enormous rooms. The bathroom was bigger than TC’s living space.

We had a lovely couple of days mooching around town. Boston has a 2.5 mile walking route called the Freedom Trail which takes in a lot of the historic sites associated with the American Revolution. We did this in two halves on the 2 days, not moving very fast obviously.  The first evening we had a tapas style dinner sat up at the bar of a very cool place in the centre of town and the second evening we had a posh Italian meal in the buzzing ‘Little Italy’ district which was a hop and a skip from our hotel.

The sun shone the whole time we were in Boston and I think that we saw it at its finest. It is a great little city and was a great spot to end our trip.  It was with slightly heavy hearts that we did our final pack up and headed to the airport.  The small consolation was that we had perhaps our greatest ever journey to a city airport. The hotel had its own dock and we were collected directly from it by water taxi and taken the 10 minutes across the river to Logan Airport.  So civilised.

The process of leaving the country was without drama and we headed to the UK to spend a month with our families before returning to NZ.

For the few of you that are regular followers of these warblings I will do one final post over the next week or so keep an eye out!