Park City, Utah

5th – 15th Feb

From Vegas we flew to Salt Lake City and had a glorious ten day ski trip in nearby Park City.

It was great, and I am sure that you neither want or need a blow-by-blow account of it.

Summary, as per most skiing holidays:

1.Get up

2. Eat massive breakfast

3. Put on loads of clothes, sweat

4. Strap self into instruments of torture (aka ski boots)

5. Hobble, with skis flailing in all directions, to base-station gondola, sweat more

6. Lift, ski, lift, ski, lift, ski….repeat until exhausted

7. Hobble, drink, wash, change, hobble, drink, eat, drink, sleep

8. Get up, cry out with pain of stiff legs….repeat 2-8 until time to go home.

Here I can make an honourable mention of Wayne and Val whom we had met in Texas and who drove 7 hours from their home in Colorado (15 minutes from a very good ski resort), to come skiing with us. A much appreciated effort, which resulted in a very fun few days. Thank you!

One of life’s great truths is that all great ski trips must come to an end. It is an expensive type of fun, but worth every penny (or cent). It is also good to come away without injury, and slightly firmer thighs despite having eaten like a horse.